The Queen

Hello Kitty is a fundament of Japanese pop culture and therefore a recurring character on uBlog's wide-eyed stroll through the North Pacific island wonderland, Only in Japan. Toymaker Sanrio recently decided to wed their lady to the ancient world, constructing a chess set in the darling feline's likeness:

Hello Kitty, the moon-faced, mouthless white cat which comes on dolls, credit cards, laptops and vacuum cleaners as a global icon of cuteness has now advanced into the world of chess. Unlike the staid traditional black and white, the two camps facing off on the Hello Kitty chessboard are pastel pink and blue.

..."We started with mail-order as we do not know how much demand we will see," a Sanrio official said.

Modesty. Were Anderssen and Kieseritzky alive today, we might be calling their duel the "Immortal and Highly Marketable Game."

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