'Sock it to Me?'

On air earlier today, Rush Limbaugh was scrutinizing the substandard investigation report on Rathergate, CBS News' forged-memo scandal, and quipped that for Dan Rather — who made his name at the White House of the 37th president and who, like the whole of elite journalism, sees foreign policy under Vietnam's terms and domestic policy under Watergate's — this is "Richard Nixon's revenge." So strange that the following should be today's American Minute:

Richard Milhous Nixon was born this day, January 9, 1913. A Lieutenant Commander in the Navy during WWII, he was a Congressman, Senator, and Vice-President under Eisenhower. He lost his first presidential race to John F. Kennedy by the smallest margin in a presidential election up to that date. He served as America's 37th President before resigning.

In his Inaugural Address, President Nixon stated: "No man can be fully free while his neighbor is not...This means black and white together as one nation, not two...What remains is...to insure...that as all are born equal in dignity before God, all are born equal in dignity before man."

A kindred ghost walks these halls.

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