Not Forty-Two

I've been tipped off to the strong possibility that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a film adaptation of British humorist Douglas Adams' legendary "four-book trilogy," is rock-bottom bad. Website Planet Magrathea attended a press screening and is, unfortunately, painfully objective in its crucifixion: either scores of classic dialogue lines, gags, narratives, curios and other bits of Adams' brilliance are in the movie or they aren't. In this case, they aren't. Watching this movie as a Hitchhiker's fan, apparently, is akin to diving into an empty swimming pool.

As with Berke Breathed's lousy strip Opus, poor imitation isn't a total defeat for quality: we just need to return to the original.

COMIC RELIEF: I'd forgotten about this wonderful little confluence of art and life.

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