Starbucks, M.D

It gives you alkaline acumen with panache; and, according to Japanese scientists, coffee is good, preventative medicine to the last drop (hat tip, Volokh and the Corner):

Researchers in Japan have discovered some eye-opening news about coffee: It may help prevent the most common type of liver cancer. A study of more than 90,000 Japanese found that people who drank coffee daily or nearly every day had half the liver cancer risk of those who never drank coffee. The protective effect occurred in people who drank one to two cups a day and increased at three to four cups.

One more reason to admire the Japanese: according to the article, they rarely consume decaffeinated coffee.

From spaghetti sauce, olive oil and coffee beans comes the Italian nonagenarian. Want to live the romantic life? Start with Filippo Berio's extra-virgin and crushed tomatoes at the grocer's. And you can stay healthy while supporting free expression for universal liberty and the beverage that makes it all possible: your very own Figure Concord mug. Democracy! Latte! Sexy!

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