Fessing Up

Greyhawk, serving in Iraq, is thinking what I've been thinking (here, here and here).

NOT NEWS: From the Associated Press, another report that is more or less a press release for the enemy. Most striking is the reporter's assumption that "Sunni Arabs" — and not former Ba'athists and foreign terrorists, neither of whom are either normal men nor would be remotely interested in the new Iraq — are responsible for the murders.

Most egregious, the reporter helpfully reminds us that in November, a few police stations were temporarily overrun by terrorists. But there is no mention of what Iraqis are doing in Mosul now: in fact, police units have successfully defended against over a dozen attacks now. Nor does the AP believe that the apprehension of two terrorists in the city is worth the public's knowledge.

Wretchard of Belmont Club practically led the charge in questioning the role of an Associated Press photographer in the terrorist murder of election workers in Baghdad. The AP more or less admitted that their stringers are used by terrorists, insisting that terrorists deserved to have their "stories told." Unfortunately, it appears terrorist activity and the most dire implications thereof are all the AP and other agencies are interested in.

'SUPERHEATED METAPHORS': Craig Brett has more.

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