Grand Old Evening

A doubly good evening of Republican-rich activities. Arriving home from a door literature drop for Ohio State Senator Bob Spada, I discovered that cinema ne'erdowell Dennis Hopper is a supporter of President Bush, among other erstwhile denizens of the left — something that should cause much chagrin at ABC News' The Note, who tried to claim otherwise earlier today.

While walking in a nearby neighborhood, I approached a woman mowing her lawn. Now these situations can flip like a coin — some people are good stewards and happily take a moment of their time to greet a stranger, while others would be rather be left alone. She was of the first kind.

I bellowed my lines, full use of the diaphragm, over the din of her mower. Walking door-to-door. State Senator Spada. Literature, in case she'd like to know more. He'd appreciate her consideration and support.

She took the literature, giving it a look, turning back to me and then to the paper for a second time. She squinted, looking up. "Democrat or Republican?"

"He's a Republican." Loudly and proudly.

"Good," she beamed, kicked the mower into full throttle and took off at the grass again.

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