The Blogosphere's Betters

Joe Katzman gives us Sufi Wisdom on Saturday mornings. But he's even doling out wisdom in an interview from Norman Geras' weblog:

What philosophical thesis do you think it most important to combat?

Postmodernism, especially the idea that there is no truth and everything is relative or an "equally valid narrative." It's useful to pay attention to other narratives, but if you really accept the postmodernist thesis wholesale then all that's left is naked power - and you can kiss civilization goodbye. As the famous quote goes: "Only an intellectual could be so stupid."

Ah, brilliant inanity. Joe also volunteers some astute observations on the nature of humanity's threats — he sees Islamist terrorism as an appendage, not a prime, recognizing that the Near East is only one of several challenges to face us. Read the interview for yourself.

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