Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Net

Switching your preferred net browser to Mozilla or Opera may no longer be considered a simple expression of Gates hate:

The reputation of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has been mauled by security experts.

...The self styled 'chief hacking officer' of U.S.-based eEye Digital Security, which has been responsible for the discovery of a plethora of vulnerabilities in Microsoft products, says that Internet Explorer has been insecure for a long time.

"It has been a long running theme that at almost any given point there is a remotely exploitable bug in Internet Explorer," he told ZDNet Australia. "It's one of the biggest security risks for most 'Microsoft based' corporations. Microsoft is not fixing these publicly disclosed bugs in any sort of timely manner or more so they seem to just not be fixing them at all."

The article is worth a read and some dedicated thought. I switched from Netscape to Internet Explorer three years ago when I tried in vain to use Netscape 6.0 as a functional, viable browser (a sorrily clumsy dud if ever there was one). To be fair, IE hasn't been the source of many headaches since. But given that a few hours were spent between yesterday and Monday getting to the bottom of what turned out to be a coworker's machine infected with QHosts, news like this turns me on to the idea of alternate browsers.

I found a link to this headline, incidentally, on, where Microsoft and the Borg are considered - at least ethically - one and the same. Clever.

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