Time Warp

I almost feel like a traitor to my generation. I recently borrowed Genesis' 1973 album Foxtrot (which is a fantastic album, by the way) and was bowled over by the lack of compression and limiting evident in its mixing and mastering. Dynamic range, even compared with early 1990s releases, is enormous. I doubt much more than a 1.5:1 ratio was set on Phil Collins' kit's overhead tracks or the overall drum submix.

Tuesday evening I was driving home from an engagement, blaring Foxtrot. After "Supper's Ready" faded out, I slipped in Weezer's blue album. Now, I love Weezer just as much as the next rocked-out nerd who wishes he owned an SG (but makes do with a 335 clone) but the intense compression - usually subtle, proof of good production - threw me for a loop. I actually craved Foxtrot's lack of punchiness. (And clarity from the lack of limiting distortion.)

Older and less aggressive can be better. Imagine that!

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