To Be or Not to Be: That is the Gazornumplat

...My regards to Bob Newhart. Dennis Prager blows the lid off of the myth that works of Shakespeare can be produced by large numbers of man's older cousins when equipped with word-processors:

According to news reports, instructors at Plymouth University put six Sulawesi crested macaque monkeys in a room with a computer and keyboards for four weeks. Though one of the monkeys frequently typed the letter "s," the other monkeys ignored the keyboard, preferring to play with one another and with the ropes and toys placed there. When they did pay attention to the keyboard, one smashed it with a stone and the others repeatedly urinated and defecated on it.

Indeed, it was the blurst of times. The rest of the article is a worthy critique of the belief denying an intelligence - any intelligence - behind creation and evolution.

Also: Prager plays the relativist leftist, in response to Tony Blair's speech to Congress, a tiny bit too well. I'm certain I've seen those arguments pop up in the comment threads at Tacitus' more than once.

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