Breakfast Links

Over the past couple of weeks I've added a link here and there - not to mention moved a blog or two from one category to the other. My cousin, for instance, runs more of a personal, media-concerned blog than a political one. Hence, his induction into the non-aligned blogroll.

UPDATE: I've enacted an ideological reclassification, too. The first blogger, I must say, gave me a different impression from his unquestionably assertive introduction (at least to me, anyway) and has since become more clearly tentative on many issues. He even acknowledges it, I now see. That could have instructed me better in my response to a post of his a few days ago, in that the position would have surprised me far less. No insult (beyond a bone to pick with his referring to bloggers who choose to adhere to a policy rather than work as neutral arbiter ad finitum as a "mindless cheering section"). Alignment is profoundly important to me, second only to logical classification. The second blogger has admirably moved middle-of-the-road on several issues from the "higher education left" and thus is out of step with the sternly determined perspectives of those in the Minority Report.

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