Happy Days are Here (For Now)

My colleague in the Axis of Awesome, Danny O'Brien, is interning for the Plain Dealer. His father, incidentally, works for the paper's editorial page. Danny lobbied for James Lileks' columns - which, as far as I know, carry no fee for syndication - and, in the interests of serving the silent minority of conservatives and non-rabid liberals in Northeastern Ohio, the Plain Dealer agreed. Lileks ran today - and oh, it's a shiner on the Dems' ugly collective mug.

This is nothing short of miraculous. Keep in mind by whom and where James Lileks will be printed. This is the Plain Dealer which, yesterday, set as its headline, rather gleefully I'm sure, that the United States is LOSING THE PEACE (what a way to stay on board, crew). And the Plain Dealer is read by the city of Cleveland, the city who elects fraternal-twin demagogues Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and Dennis Kucinich, the latter reaffirmed by a 4-to-1 margin; Kucinich defaulted the city a couple of decades ago before he befriended people spreading Timothy Leary's ashes in space - the better to prevent weapons proliferation there, surely - and so apparently fits into the "He's our monster" category.

Danny was certain that there's a market to be had. I think he's right: whether you agree with Lileks or not, he writes impeccably and tirelessly. It's always a 750-word tilt-a-whirl.

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