Turkey's Cooked

I offered my unsolicited recommendations for the Bush administration's optimal response to Turkey's decision to ostensibly withdraw from the future construction of Middle East democracy. Turkey balked and tried to stiff Washington; Bush stood to lose both time and credibility - what, beg a nation to treat the war on terrorism as a high priority?

No time for such an embarrassing reeducation was left; the White House needed to abandon wist for picturesque southward plunges from Turkey and instead redirect American forces to the humbler of our Near East allies. And for Turkish hubris, a warning: you play games with serious affairs, you lose.

a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30108-2003Mar15.html"> Bush has since followed a course parallel to what I suggested. Well done - now all that's needed is a rightful accommodation to the national aspirations of Kurds.

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