And then...

Megathrusters are go, so it would appear. I'm frankly caught between amazement and a bit of healthy pride in my own accomplishments--before yesterday, I'd never tried to jury-rig any cgi engine. And, born from necessity (read: the award-winning incompetence of, I investigated the uses of Movable Type, perhaps best advanced by one of my daily blogstops, VodkaPundit, and came away impressed. Concerning nearly every endeavor, I've always preferred to kit-bash and go it alone--why should blogging represent a fork in the road, eh?

So I girded my loins, read/reread/rereread the instructions, strapped on the goggles, plugged my nose--and then attempted/reattempted/banked on "third time's a charm" luck to establish the MT system. In the short span of about five hours, managed to hack a native blog! I must thank, albeit anonymously, the extremely helpful user forums that exist to help those of us stricken with D.I.Y. blog-dreams but for want of computer savvy. I'm here!

Time for some thoughts. I'm excited.

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